Awareness and sensitivity towards a series of actions for the benefit of the Greek Armed Forces. Guest of Honor General Alkiviades Stafanis. Contribution to the Hellenic Think Tank ΕΛΙΣΜΕ for their contribution.

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Chapter of AHEPA HJ-04 Solon organized a dinner primary aiming to raise awareness and sensitivity towards a series of actions for the benefit of the Greek Armed Forces and the financial contribution to the independent non-profit Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Στρατηγικών Μελετών (ΕΛΙΣΜΕ) – Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HELISS) .

The night started with an initial speech of the Past President & Legal Advisor of the Chapter Christos D. Faslis where he explained to all guests the meaning of AHEPA and the History of the Chapter Solon.

President Alexandros Dimas continued and presented the Focus and the KPIs of AHEPA Solon HJ-04 in a New Era.

The President of ELISME Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Στρατηγικών Μελετών (ΕΛΙΣΜΕ) – Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HELISS) and Honorary Director of the Veterans Committee of the Chapter HJ-04 Solon, Retired General I. Baltzois, presented an honorary plaque to chapter’s Guest of Honor the General Alkiviadis Stefanis, highlighting his social contribution, undeniable ethics, and exceptional services to his homeland Hellas.

Honorary plaques delivered to Ms. Dimitra Kouvari of the Association of “People of Mani around the world “ for her contribution in culture, history and education of people around the world in reference to the historical contribution of Mani for a free Hellas.

President Alexandros Dimas awarded the Director of Shipping Committee Lefteris Chrisofakis for the free of charge repair of the Hellenic Coast Guard open seas Patrol Vessel “Gavdos” at his Shipyard Saint Nicolas.

Vice President Sotiris Stasinopoulos awarded two more members, Director George Tsonis Director of the Charity Committee and Antonis Papanikolaou Member of the Board of the charity committee as well.

Chapter also awarded President George Roumeliotis of the Hellenic Special Rescue Force Επίλεκτη Ομάδα Ειδικών Αποστολών Ελλάδος for their valuable service to Hellenic Society. This special team offered priceless services during 2023 wildfires and fluids in Hellas.

The Chapter’s President Alexandros Dimas, referred to the short-term planning of the Chapter with upcoming donations for the benefit of the Helenic Navy and the Hellenic Air Force.

He conveyed a message from the Governor of AHEPA Hellas, Christos Karapiperis, who commended these efforts with great willingness to support them.

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