Our Chapter Visited and Congratulated our Hellenic Navy’s recently assigned Chief of General Staff Admiral Drymousis.
Hellas is closely related to the open seas and Both our Hellenic Navy and our Merchant Navy are a living part of Hellas.
Our Chapter’s President Alexandros Dimas, Past President George Malamos and Director of Shipping committee Lefteris Chrisofakis committed to Admiral Drymousis with the promise to support our Navy. Announced the already running short term project relevant to the supply of consumable goods required for one vessel’s operations.
The shipping committee of our Chapter HJ 04 Solon ( Ioannis (John) Spagadoros , Lefteris ChrisofakisAchilleas Foustanelis and Markos Kantzios ) gladly took over the project and already processed relevant actions for its successful completion the soonest possible.