On Sunday, 23rd of May, our Chapter’s Civic Responsibility Committee organized an excursion to Salamis Island.
The President George Malamos, Vice President Alexandros Dimas, Secretary Panagiotis Panotopoulos and Warden Michael Galiatsatos attended a meeting with the abbess of the women’ 17th Century Historical Monastery dedicated to Saint Nicolas and accepted their request for assistance in rebuilding a destroyed part of the outer wall that puts the historical building to danger due to the bad weather conditions during winter.
The Monastery is a historical monument that played a significant role in our Nation’s efforts for Freedom.
Our Chapter’s Families committee organized, aside from the main purpose of the excursion, a wonderful lunch close to the seaside with delicious seafood and refreshments for our members’ families.
For anyone who wishes to contribute to our Chapters’ efforts to assist this historical heritage site, please contact our Chapter’s Secretary, Mr. Panagiotis Panotopoulos, at solonhj04@gmail.com